====== OpenWRT - Firmware upgrade ====== ===== About ===== This topic covers few methods how to upgrade firmware on Carambola. Some methods require only serial connection, some only LAN, some LAN and Serial. Also you might need to install/setup other software to perform these tasks. ===== Sysupgrade ===== [[openwrt:firmware_upgrade:sysupgrade|sysupgrade]] is best ever way to upgrade firmware. For this to work you must be connected to Carambola terminal. It does not matter using Serial, LAN ir Wireless connection. ===== MTD ===== [[openwrt:firmware_upgrade:mtd|mtd]] method is similar to sysupgrade. Use any one you like. ===== Serial (Carambola1) ===== Using [[openwrt:firmware_upgrade:serial_only|serial]] cable is most dangerous one. There many things that can go wrong. Ensure you have good serial cable (cheaper usb-serial adapters don't work), rock solid power supply and steel nerves :) ===== TFTP ===== [[openwrt:firmware_upgrade:tftp|TFTP]] method to upgrade firmware requires you to have serial connection to Carambola and configured TFTP server over LAN. Wireless connection does not work. This tutorial might help setting up [[openwrt:firmware_upgrade:tftp_server|TFTP server]] ===== Upgrading bootloader ===== If for some reason you have older bootloader and wish to upgrade, you must proceed [[openwrt:firmware_upgrade:upgrade_bootloader|here]]. It is even more dangerous than upgrading firmware using serial connection only. If something fails, there are big chances you render your module useless. ===== Web interface / LUCI ===== This method is recommended for novices. Connect Carambola web interface, browse for firmware upgrade, select file and press upgrade. ===== Terminal programs for various OS, settings and usage examples ===== [[carambola_serial_terminal|terminals]] ===== Carambola2 automated flashing (linux version) ===== [[openwrt:firmware_upgrade:carambola2_automated_firmware_flashing|Pyton based flash utility for Carambola2]]