====== Connect ====== How to connect to your brand new Cherry? There are a couple of ways to do this and we do recommend: * Via serial: **picocom** for Linux and OSX, **putty** for Windows. * Ethernet: **ssh** for Linux and OSX, **putty** for Windows. Serial connectivity is available via pins connection or USB Type C. Pins on block J18 (1 - 3.3V, 2 - UART_TXD, 3 - UART_RXD, 4 - GND) designed for serial/console connection. To have this available, you will need UART - USB adapter to connect a console to your computer and to rotate resistors R11 and R12 (refer to datasheet 11.7). If you are using USB Type C connection, there is an integrated UART-USB adapter on the board. ---- ==== Putty (Windows) ==== Simply run the program, enter a COM port number, select the baudrate 115200 and click "connect". {{ :putty.png?nolink |}} ---- ==== Picocom (Linux, OSX) ==== Just run picocom with **115200** bps and a serial interface parameter. Your serial device might be named **/dev/ttyUSB[n]** where **[n]** is your serial id set by your operating system. $ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 You can check your available serial devices with this command: $ ls /dev/ttyUSB* To exit from picocom press **CTRL+a+x**. ==== Ethernet ==== === putty (Windows) === Putty can be used for SSH, Telnet and Serial connectivity. It's a Swiss knife tool for Windows. Usage is as simple as in serial mode. Run, enter IP address, select protocol and connect. \\ === ssh (Linux, OSX) === SSH is enabled by default without password. Cherry can be connected: ssh root@ Where ''root'' is your default root user and IP address.