====== Getting started with UPER on MacOS ====== ===== Connecting ===== {{ :gettingstarted:uper:1:connect:mac_listdevices.png?direct&300|}} * Open up a terminal and enter ''ls /dev/tty.usbmodem*''. * Connect the UPER board to your linux machine using USB cable. * Type ''ls /dev/tty.usbmodem*'' again and you should see two new entries. ~CLEAR~ ===== Blinking the LED ===== The easiest way to start working with UPER is by using UPER Python API, which is a part of IoTPy. First of all if you haven't already done this, download and install [[https://www.python.org/downloads/|Python]] ((It is recommended that you use Python v2.7 as other versions were not extensively tested. If you are using other version and start experiencing problems with IoTPy one of the first things you should try is to switch to Python v2.7 and check if the problems persist.)). Then download [[https://github.com/8devices/IoTPy|IoTPy API]] and save it in the directory in which you are going to work. Next, in the same directory in which you extracted the IoTPy API create a blinky.py file and save the following code: from time import sleep from IoTPy.pyuper.ioboard import IoBoard from IoTPy.pyuper.gpio import GPIO with IoBoard() as uper, uper.get_pin(GPIO, 27) as red_led: while True: print "LED ON" red_led.write(0) sleep(0.5) print "LED OFF" red_led.write(1) sleep(0.5) Finally you can launch your program by executing ''python blinky.py'' command.