====== Assign the .local Domain to Carambola ====== Finding device without IP indicator in local DHCP enabled network was always frustrating. To make life easier you can use local domains. ===== PC ===== Build image with avahi-daemon make menuconfig Network IP Address and Nnames avahi-daemon ===== Carambola ===== edit /etc/config/system config system option hostname 'carambola2' option timezone 'UTC' <...> Add to /etc/config/firewall: # Allow Multicast DNS config rule option name Allow-MDNS option src wan option proto udp option dest_port 5353 option dest_ip option family ipv4 option target ACCEPT reboot ===== Testing ===== ==== Ping ==== ping carambola2.local PING carambola2.local ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from carambola2.local ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=1.41 ms 64 bytes from carambola2.local ( icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.674 ms ==== Access LuCi via web browser ==== Enter http://carambola2.local in your browser