====== Getting started ====== ===== Connecting devices ===== ===== Configuring devices ===== Before doing any configurations you should identify every device by getting their addresses using command ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#GetDeviceAddress|GetDeviceAddress()]]''. Once you know the addresses of all of your devices you can then start configuring them. The order in which you configure which device is generally not important. For the later examples we will assume that we have a router and two node devices with addresses 0x01234567, 0x11111111 and 0x22222222 respectively. ==== Configuring Router ==== Router configuration consists of: * RF configuration, managed by command ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#SetRFSettings|SetRFSettings]]'' [Optional if you want to use the default or previously saved configuration] * Node configuration, managed by commands ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#AddNode|AddNode]]'', ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#DeleteNode|DeleteNode]]'' and ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#ClearNodes|ClearNodes]]'' * Saving configuration to non-volatile memory using command ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#SaveSettings|SaveSettings]]'' [Optional] It is important and somewhat trivial to note that when setting RF configuration frequency, datarate, modulation, frequency deviation, network ID and AES key should be the same for all routers and nodes that are in the same network. Example: SetRFSettings(868000000, 1000, 0x41, 15000, 11, 0, 4, 1000, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 0x072394) ClearNodes() AddNode(0x11111111) AddNode(0x22222222) SaveSettings() ==== Configuring Node ==== Node configuration consists of: * RF configuration, managed by command ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#SetRFSettings|SetRFSettings]]'' [Optional if you want to use the default or previously saved configuration] * System operation settings, set by command ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#SetSystemSettings|SetSystemSettings]]'' * Router configuration, managed by command ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#SetRouter|SetRouter]]'' * Saving configuration to non-volatile memory using command ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#SaveSettings|SaveSettings]]'' [Optional] Example: SetRFSettings(868000000, 1000, 0x41, 15000, 11, 0, 4, 1000, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 0x072394) SetRouter(0x01234567) SetSystemSettings(3000, 57) SaveSettings() ==== Testing connection ==== Connection can be tested from either side by using ''[[wuper:1:systemfunctions#Ping|Ping]]'' command. Example:\\ When testing from router: ''Ping(0x11111111)'' \\ When testing from node: ''Ping(0x01234567)'' \\ ==== Adding new node ==== If after some time you want to add an additional node (with address 0x33333333) to your existing network all you have to do is: * [[wuper:1:gettingstarted#Configuring Node|Configure node]] with current network configuration (frequency, datarate, AES key, etc...) * Add a node (address) entry to the router Example:\\ For node:\\ SetRFSettings(868000000, 1000, 0x41, 15000, 7, 0, 9, 1000, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 0xC4) SetRouter(0x01234567) SetSystemSettings(1000, 0) SaveSettings() For router:\\ AddNode(0x33333333)