
This topic demonstrates how to connect TFA dostmann Nexus wireless weather station (datasheet) to carambola and to upload data to remote server. Other weather stations that possible can be supported (but not tested): Hideki, Nexus, Mebus, Irox, Honeywell, Cresta TE923, TE923W, TE821W, WXR810, DV928, TE831X, IROX PRO-X USB

This USB device is recognized as:

Product ID: 0x6801
Vendor ID: 0x1130 (Tenx Technology, Inc.)

tfa_dosman_nexus.jpg carambola_nexus.jpg

Live data demonstration

All data streams can be found here, or plain text CSV data


Windows software

Software, that comes prepacked with weather station is only for windows. Although it works nice, it lacks some features. I will not discuss about it further, in case somebody want's to try original windows software can be downloaded here

Testing on Linux PC

user@linux:/tmp# sudo te923con
te923con -h

Error while setting configuration (-1) - you are not root

Error while setting configuration (-16) - probably HID driver is still running. Remove with sudo rmmod usbhid

Getting Embedded

opkg install
te923con -p

T0    - temperature from internal sensor in C
H0    - humidity from internal sensor in % rel
T1..5 - temperature from external sensor 1..4 in C
H1..5 - humidity from external sensor 1...4 in % rel
PRESS - air pressure in mBar
UV    - UV index from UV sensor
FC    - station forecast, see below for more details
    0 - heavy snow
    1 - little snow
    2 - heavy rain
    3 - little rain
    4 - cloudy
    5 - some clouds
    6 - sunny
STORM - stormwarning; 0 - no warning, 1 - fix your dog 
WD    - wind direction in deg; 0 -> north
WS    - wind speed in m/s
WG    - wind gust speed in m/s
WC    - windchill temperature in C
RC    - rain counter (absolute value) in mm
  te923con -p >/tmp/pachube2.json; curl  -X PUT -d @/tmp/pachube2.json -H "X-PachubeApiKey: --------API_KEY--------" -v
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# crontab -l
# Minute   Hour   Day of Month       Month          Day of Week        Command    
# (0-59)  (0-23)     (1-31)    (1-12 or Jan-Dec)  (0-6 or Sun-Sat)                
    *       *           *             *               *                te923con -p >/tmp/pachube2.json; curl  -X PUT -d @/tmp/pachube2.json -H "X-PachubeApiKey: --------API_KEY--------" -v
