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noni:userguide [2025/03/18 14:58]
mariusa [Quick User Guide]
noni:userguide [2025/03/18 14:59] (current)
mariusa [Quick User Guide]
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 === Setup boarddata files on Mango=== === Setup boarddata files on Mango===
-Mango must be flashed with a firmware, which has a support for Waikiki ​ chipset. An example firmware with Waikiki ​ support can be downloaded from here: [[:​https://​wiki.8devices.com/​_media/​noni:​firmware-2.bin.zip]]. OpenWRT contains default BDF files for Pine chipset. BDF files which are made specificaly for MiniPini ​are provided by our company, which can downloaded here: [[https://​wiki.8devices.com/​_media/​mini-pini:​boarddata_files.zip|BDF]]. Select correct BDF files (2x2 or 4x4), put them into the host device. Following commands shows how to chagne BDF files and activate one of the radio (2.4GHz or 5GHz):+Mango must be flashed with a firmware, which has a support for Waikiki ​ chipset. An example firmware with Waikiki ​ support can be downloaded from here: [[:​https://​wiki.8devices.com/​_media/​noni:​firmware-2.bin.zip]]. OpenWRT contains default BDF files for Waikiki ​chipset. BDF files which are made specificaly for Noni are provided by our company, which can downloaded here: [[https://​wiki.8devices.com/​_media/​mini-pini:​boarddata_files.zip|BDF]]. Select correct BDF files (2x2 or 4x4), put them into the host device. Following commands shows how to chagne BDF files and activate one of the radio (2.4GHz or 5GHz):
   cd /​lib/​firmware/​ath11k/​QCN9074   cd /​lib/​firmware/​ath11k/​QCN9074